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So... Who am I?


'Ello 'ello! I'm Mel, a twenty-something from London four months into her Invisalign treatment.


Why did I make this blog?


I started this blog because I thought it would be great to share my honest experience of the treatment and how it affects the average lifestyle, and to generally help anyone curious about Invisalign, whether or not they have the aligners yet. Thanks for dropping in, by the way!


I'm a very active person. I travel a lot and eat a lot and wear make-up and everything else. I do a lot of (weird) things so my aim here is to be as truthful and detailed as possible about how Invisalign affects daily routines and specific activities, and generally share with you every angle of my Invisalign experience.


I had so many burning questions before I started the process that nobody could give me. So here I am, going one step further and answering all your hairy Invisalign questions, worries, and problems. (ALL Invisalign-related questions are welcomed here - sex, hygiene, drugs, whatever - so ask away. You can do that on the Questions or Contact page.)


My Invisalign treatment


My Invisalign treatment began on January 16th 2015 and will end on June 16th 2016 (yes, the duration of my braces duration will likely last longer than the majority of romantic relationships in this age of impatience and Tinder).


I have one single attachment (view the Invisalign glossary here for all the lingo) on my upper left canine and around 46 sets of aligners to be changed every two weeks. Woo hoo!


All my crowding will be corrected, but my arch will ultimately be slightly over 1mm wider, which shouldn't be noticeable because I have relatively full lips. My dentist did say that if I'd like any corrections we can make adjustments to the treatment plan. (Which I don't think I need.)


My Invisalign story


I had traditional wire braces when I was 14 until I was 15. My teeth were beautifully straight. My orthodontist gave me a retainer but didn't inform me of just quite how important it was to wear them all day, every day after the treatment for at least a few months. I was pretty young and irresponsible too. So, within a couple of years, my teeth were back to the way they were. Crooked! 


I never really cared about, let alone even noticed just how crooked my teeth had become until a few years ago, when I saw a picture of my smile in a photograph and realised that my upper left incisor was so twisted that it looked like I had a gap in my teeth. That's when I started to notice how much my teeth had slid out of place - and, to be honest, when it really started to affect my self-esteem. Sometimes I'd angle my head a certain way in pictures so that my crooked tooth couldn't be seen.


Now that I'm officially an adult (see: eons more responsible than my 14 year old self), I finally decided to go for Invisalign after much deliberation.


Why did I choose Invisalign over metal braces?


I felt like having clear braces was the best personal choice for me. I wanted braces that would give me the greatest amount of control over my life during the straightening process (as in, you can take them out whenever you want to). I eat so much and graze throughout the day. I knew right off the bat that traditional braces would be a bloody nightmare to go through again, from a foodie perspective.


I also wanted subtlety. I love and respect people who have no qualms about going down the traditional metal brace route - especially if they're adults! I salute them wholeheartedly. I chose Invisalign specifically because it's invisible - I didn't want to have to talk about my braces if I didn't feel like it.


Another reason that I chose Invisalign is because I was just about to enter the job market for the first time after graduating from college. I personally felt that to have obvious metal braces would subliminally influence an employer's hiring decision. (Obviously a fantastic employer wouldn't give a crap about appearances! But this was a factor for me.)


Do I have a partner? How did they react to my getting Invisalign?


Yes, I do! My partner was actually initially against my getting braces - "You're beautiful the way you are, babe." (Awww.) But then they realised how much it meant to me and became very supportive once I did start the treatment. More on that here.


Why couldn't I accept the way I looked? WHY AM I SO VAIN?


I could accept my crooked teeth - I did, for a very long time! I never had any truly serious self-esteem issues with it. I had relationships without hiccup and felt no damage done to my appearance because of my teeth. 


But the opportunity recently came up whereby a) I was able to order the Invisalign with a trusted dentist (a family friend) and not be ripped off and b) I could actually afford the treatment at that moment in time.


All these were my reasons. Let us not judge, amigo.


Also, before you tell me I'm vain - remember that straight teeth are healthy!


And to all my soul sistaz and brothaz out there who rock their natural crooked teeth everyday - this one's for you.


Finally... Am I sponsored by Invisalign?


Hahahahaha. I bloody wish!




Well... Thanks for reading all of that! Any questions? Ask away!

This is me. The Invisalign ninja.

My Face

This is a pleasantly invasive close-up of my misaligned teeth at the start of my treatment 3 months ago.














Yay, crowding! It looks terrible up close. I have just the one attachment on my upper incisor.


My Teeth

© 2015 by Invisalign and Me. 

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